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It is important that you provide as much notice as possible to request a temporary removal of the solar panels. Please request a ‘Temporary Removal Form’ from our roofing team by emailing

This form details the process and requirements for a temporary removal of the solar panels. The form needs to be completed by the homeowner and then returned to our dedicated roofing team. You may require the assistance from your assigned contractor to answer questions relating to tile types and how your tiles will be fitted.

Your information will then be reviewed by our dedicated Roofing Team who will then contact you to discuss your requirements and schedule a convenient appointment.

Please send your scaled plans to our dedicated Roofing Team for review. Your plans can be posted to us or emailed in PDF format to Your proposed plans will be reviewed to ensure that the Solar PV system installed at your property is not negatively impacted by the proposed works. It is important that you provide as much notice as possible as it may be necessary to temporarily remove the solar panels to facilitate the works.

Please request a Temporary Removal Form from our roofing team by emailing This form details the process and requirements for a temporary removal of the Solar panels. The form needs to be completed by the homeowner and then returned to our dedicated roofing team. You may require the assistance from your assigned contractor to answer questions relating to the required works.

Your information will then be reviewed by our dedicated Roofing Team who will then contact you to discuss your requirements and schedule a convenient appointment.

Please ensure your Solicitor is aware of the solar panels installed at your property and that any questions regarding the installation are addressed early on in your transaction to avoid delays. In some cases (not all) the purchasers’ Solicitor or Mortgage Lender may request documentation and/or information regarding the solar panels.

If you require our assistance in providing any requested documentation and/or information, then you or your Solicitor can contact our legal department at

Please request a Temporary Removal Form from our roofing team by emailing

This form details the process and requirements for your repair works. The form needs to be completed by the homeowner and then returned to our dedicated Roofing Team. You may require the assistance from your assigned contractor to answer certain questions.

Your information will then be reviewed by our dedicated Roofing Team who will then contact you to discuss your requirements and schedule a convenient appointment.

We ask that you contact a local roofing contractor in the first instance to confirm that the cause of the leak is not located directly under the solar system. If your roofing contractor has confirmed that the leak is located under the solar panels, we request that you supply us with up-to-date photographs of your property, starting from ground level directly below the solar panels, the roof as a whole, and also request that you advise where on the roof you suspect the leak is located along with any photographs of the issue.

Please inform us whether you intend to have your roof tiles and/or roof felt replaced, and whether any of the panels need to be temporarily removed to facilitate the required works. Please email our dedicated Roofing Team at with the requested information and include your full name, full address and contact telephone number.

Please be assured that our dedicated Maintenance Team closely monitor the performance of the system installed at your property on a daily basis, should we need to carry out any maintenance work to the panels, our team will contact you.

We can confirm that there are no options for early removal of the solar panels. The Lease agreement entered into is legally binding for the full 25 year duration, therefore the panels remain with the property until this date no matter how many times the property changes ownership in this period of time.

Please ensure your Solicitor is aware of the solar panels installed at your property and that any questions regarding the installation are addressed early on in your transaction to avoid delays. In some cases (not all) the purchasers’ Solicitor or Mortgage Lender may request documentation and/or information regarding the solar panels.

If you require our assistance in providing any requested documentation and/or information, then you or your Solicitor can contact our legal department at

Please ensure your solicitor is aware of the solar panels in place and that they are addressed early on in your transaction to avoid delays. In some cases (not all) your new lender may request documentation and/or information regarding the solar panels.

If you require our assistance in providing any requested documentation and/or information then you or your solicitor can contact our legal department at

Please complete our online new owner form upon completion of your purchase and we will send you an informative welcome letter.

It is important that you provide as much notice as possible to request a temporary removal of the solar panels. Please request a ‘Temporary Removal Form’ from our roofing team by emailing

This form details the process and requirements for a temporary removal of the solar panels. The form needs to be completed by the homeowner and then returned to our dedicated roofing team. You may require the assistance from your assigned contractor to answer questions relating to tile types and how your tiles will be fitted.

Your information will then be reviewed by our dedicated Roofing Team who will then contact you to discuss your requirements and schedule a convenient appointment.

Please send your scaled plans to our dedicated Roofing Team for review. Your plans can be posted to us or emailed in PDF format to Your proposed plans will be reviewed to ensure that the Solar PV system installed at your property is not negatively impacted by the proposed works. It is important that you provide as much notice as possible as it may be necessary to temporarily remove the solar panels to facilitate the works.

Please request a Temporary Removal Form from our roofing team by emailing This form details the process and requirements for a temporary removal of the Solar panels. The form needs to be completed by the homeowner and then returned to our dedicated roofing team. You may require the assistance from your assigned contractor to answer questions relating to the required works.

Your information will then be reviewed by our dedicated Roofing Team who will then contact you to discuss your requirements and schedule a convenient appointment.

We are sorry to learn that you are experiencing difficulties with pigeons at your property and appreciate that this may be very frustrating. It is paramount to us that all landlords have a positive experience with the equipment and ourselves. Birds, their nests and eggs are protected by law, and it is illegal to destroy them except under licence.

We would recommend that you contact a local pest control professional who will be able to advise you about the various options that may be appropriate for your circumstances. You will find details of reputable pest control companies in your area on the British Pest Control Association website, Should you choose to engage the services of a third party organisation we would ask that you inform us prior to the works commencing so that we have the opportunity to help you remain compliant with the obligations as defined within the terms of the Lease and also discuss any safety related issues.

We would encourage you not to be tempted to remove the pigeons yourself and to seek guidance from a professional organisation. The British Pest Control Association advise that it is more effective to remove food sources or block off sites where birds perch or roost birds in an effort to control pigeons.

A Shade Greener Maintenance Ltd are the only authorised contractor to provide the ongoing maintenance requirements as per the terms of the Lease Agreement. Please do not allow any unauthorised 3rd party to access the Solar PV equipment installed at your property.

Sometimes the supply to the solar system can be accidently switched off, the RCD could trip or inadvertently be left switched off following works in the property, including the installation of Smart Meters.

To re-energise the solar system, follow the steps below;

1. Locate the dedicated solar PV consumer unit (fuse board). This is usually installed near your general-purpose fuse board / electricity meter.
2. Open the hinged cover to reveal the switches (RCD & MCB).
3. Ensure both switches are in the upright position – ON.

If you require any assistance, please contact our team on 0345 301 2342 or

A Shade Greener Maintenance Ltd are the only authorised contractor to provide any ongoing service and maintenance requirements as per the terms of the Lease Agreement.

If you are contacted by any 3rd Party, please report this to our dedicated Customer Relations Team on 0345 301 2342 or email us at

Under the lease at your property, a battery storage facility is not permitted.

Please see Clause 4 of the Lease agreement, which includes but not limited to, the Landlord covenants that:

• it shall not do or permit anyone else to do anything which may affect the operation of the System, or the Supply generated by the System;

No third party is permitted to interfere with the Tenant’s equipment, and this would include the connection of a battery storage unit to the System.